2009 Monday Night Fall Session Champions

2009 Monday Night Fall Session Champions

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cake Farts fan of the week

This week's Cake Farts fan of the week is the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad.  We caught up with Muhammad this week and sat down with him to discuss his love for the Cake Farts and what direction he sees the team going.  Full interview with the prophet is below:

Cake Fart Dennis:  Muhammad, what about the Cake Farts captured your attention?

Muhammad:  Where I am from in Mecca, we do not have softball.  The Cake Farts were the first softball team I ever saw play, and I admired their hustle and dedication to the game.  Their enthusiasm for the game reminded me of my followers' enthusiasm, so I knew this was the team I must root for.

CFD:  What were you thinking when you saw them capture the 2009 Monday Night Men's Fall League Championship?

M: Allahu akbar!

CFD:  What are your thoughts on the Cake Farts early struggles in 2010?

M:  I believe they can turn it around.  It is the trials and tribulations in life that make one stronger.  I was orphaned at an early age and had to work as a merchant and a shephard before I received my first revelation from God.  I believe the Cake Farts just need to relax and perhaps meditate to find their centers, and they will find success in the 2010 season.

CFD:  Do you have any parting words of inspiration for the Cake Farts?

M:  The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is the one who controls himself when he is angry.

CFD:  Ah, I see you saw me at the last game.

CFD:  Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with me Muhammad.  The Cake Farts wish you and your people the best of luck in the future.

M:  Thank you for having me.  God bless you, and GO CAKE FARTS!

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